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Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi; Country: Canada; directed by: Christopher Nolan; 2014; audience Score: 1428604 votes; Jessica Chastain, Matthew McConaughey






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Hollywood science fiction spectacles about antagonistic aliens abandoning dying worlds to occupy not only Earth, but also to oust us have been popular with moviegoers. Typically, like the European explorers who invaded and disenfranchised millions in the Western Hemisphere during the 15th century, these extraterrestrials—either bug-eyed behemoths with lobster claws or pod people whose seeds have drifted across the cosmos—show up to evict or absorb us. "Inception" director Christopher Nolan's latest extravaganza "Interstellar, toplining Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, and John Lithgow, is a superior space opera that reverses the action. Earthlings must abandon mother Earth because an environmental blight has devastated farming and millions have starved to death in overpopulated continents. No, Interstellar" doesn't pit Earth against multi-colored "Guardians of the Galaxy" aliens or immaculate looking storm troopers in white outfits from the "Star Wars" and "Hunger Games" franchises. Instead, the "Interstellar" scientist heroes must search for a new home for humankind. Rather than an outlandish adventure epic with evil extraterrestrials, Interstellar" qualifies as an intelligent, realistic, sometimes provocative, sci-fi saga similar to Stanley Kubrick's landmark movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." Mind you, Nolan doesn't chronicle mankind's evolution from the dawn of time the way Kubrick did in as "2001." The casts of "Interstellar" and "2001: A Space Odyssey" differ, too. Kubrick relied on an unknown cast, while "Interstellar" boasts a charismatic array of superstars. If you haven't seen "2001: A Space Odyssey, you won't appreciate some of the clever allusions to the legendary 1968 film. Anybody who has seen "2001" will be amused by a joke that a robot makes about blowing an astronaut out of an airlock. Ultimately, the most obvious "2001" references in "Interstellar" are those bizarre, oblong, Minecraft-style robots that resemble the black monoliths in Kubrick's film. Some of the sci-fi terminology may fly over your head, but Christopher Nolan and his brother Jonathan concern themselves with more than speculative science fiction ideas. They focus on relevant contemporary themes, such as father & daughter relationships and the environment. They forge interesting characters with philosophical dialogue that you will ponder long after the movie.
"Interstellar" occurs in the late 21st century, after things have waxed really wretched. Bad enough that farmers can grow only corn. Blight has destroyed wheat and okra. Public opinion about NASA has curdled. History textbooks have been rewritten. Everybody believes NASA faked the Apollo moon landings to bankrupt the Soviet Union. A former NASA test pilot, Cooper (Matthew McConaughey of "Mud. has turned to farming and reaped rewards where many others have failed. Although his wife died from a brain cyst that an MRI could have detected had an MRI had been available, Cooper perseveres as a farmer and a father of two children, his fifteen-year old son Tom (Timothée Chalamet of "Worse Friends. and his precious ten-year old daughter Murph (Mackenzie Foy of "The Conjuring" who adore him. Cooper and his kids live with his father-in-law, Donald (John Lithgow of "Terms of Endearment. and they contend with tumultuous dust storms on a daily basis. These dust storms recall the Depression Era drought and dust storms of that prompted millions to flee from the plains states. Dust gets into everything, and Donald wages a never-ending war to keep everything clean. Meanwhile, books have been toppling randomly from Murph's bedroom bookcase. She suspects a ghost is responsible, but nothing ghoulish like "Paranormal Activity." Naturally, Cooper dismisses the presence of ghosts. One day after a particularly turbulent dust storm, father and daughter examine the way the books have fallen out of the shelves, translate it into code, and come up with coordinates that lead them to a classified NORAD facility. A monolithic robot named Tars confronts them. Later, Murph and Cooper find themselves sitting around a table talking with high-ranking NASA officials. One of them is Professor Brand (Michael Caine of "Batman Begins. and Brand confides in Cooper that the world is living on borrowed time. Moreover, he tells him about the 'Lazarus' project. NASA has dispatched manned missions to other parts of the galaxy to find a new home for mankind. He convinces Cooper to sign on as a pilot for one last launch that will take his daughter, biologist Amelia (Oscar winning actress Anne Hathaway of "Les Misérables) physicist Romilly (David Gyasi) geographer Doyle (Wes Bentley of "The Hunger Games. and two robots TARS (voice of Bill Irwin) and CASE (voice of Josh Stewart) deep into space to a recently discovered wormhole which will enable them to explore new worlds. Predictably, Murph isn't happy about her father's departure. During their flight to the wormhole, Cooper and company lose contact with Earth, but Professor Brand can still transmit messages. Gradually, however, things take a turn for the worst. The final quarter hour of "Interstellar" will absolutely boggle your mind. Cooper goes where no man has gone before in a desperate bid to save mankind!
"Interstellar" is a serious sci-fi movie. The computer-generated visual effects are nothing short of dazzling, and Nolan orchestrates the flight sequences so we don't hear any sounds in the vacuum of outer space. The different spacecraft and the Endurance mother ship look as authentic as the outfits that our heroes wear. The strange but new worlds that they encounter during their search to locate a new Earth are breathtaking. One world consists of an eternal sea with towering waves that loom like mountain ranges, while another is as stark and icy as it is inhospitable. The theme of deception runs throughout "Interstellar." The faked Apollo moon landing and Dr. Brand's mind-blowing revelation are a few surprises that will maintain your interest throughout "Interstellar." Nolan generates several suspenseful set-pieces that will keep you poised on the edge of your seat. Matt Damon has a startling cameo as another astronaut who has succumbed to effects of isolation. Clocking in at 169 minutes, Interstellar" amounts to an unforgettable epic with intense white-knuckled suspense, top-notch performances, and a terrific ending.

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